Flexible Assistance for HUD-VASH Participating Landlords: All Landlords to receive $3,000 incentive for every one-year lease
Flexible Assistance for Homeless Veterans
YES! You read it correctly! The Greater LA Landlords who join the HUD VASH voucher program may finally get the support they have been looking for!
This unprecedented authority allows Landlords to receive a $3,000 incentive for every one-year lease Section 4201(a) of the Johnny Isakson and David P. Roe, M.D. Veterans Health Care and Benefits Improvement Act of 2020 (PL 116-315) authorizes the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to use appropriated funds for life-saving food, shelter, goods, and services for homeless Veterans or those participating in U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) program aims to minimize the risk of harmful outcomes to Veterans such as loss of housing or continuation of homelessness, hunger, hypothermia, poor hygiene, unemployment, missed health care and service appointments, social isolation, and exacerbation of physical and mental health symptoms.
"This unprecedented authority allows the Department of Veterans Affairs to meet the immediate needs of Veterans who lack stable housing, transportation to medical appointments, food, and other essentials – all while helping them to achieve long-term housing and financial stability,” said VA Secretary Denis McDonough. With rental markets tightening, demand for housing units increasing, and available housing inventory levels dwindling, landlords across Los Angeles are becoming more discerning regarding tenant underwriting and leasing decisions, causing new challenges for VA staff seeking to house homeless veterans."
Please keep AGX and HUD-VASH in mind by applying the words "HUD-VASH OK" to your listing "write-ups" as a way to advertise your desire to rent to veterans. We look forward to partnering with you on our mission to end Veteran homelessness.
1. Any landlord who houses a Veteran that is in the HUD-VASH program is eligible for the $3,000 incentive.
2. All Landlords are eligible for this incentive each time they house a Veteran in the VASH program.
1. Any landlord who houses a Veteran that is in the HUD-VASH program is eligible for the $3,000 incentive.
2. All Landlords are eligible for this incentive each time they house a Veteran in the VASH program.